As part of Chroniques Campus, its program for digital arts and culture in higher education, Chroniques co-organized a 4-day workshop with the Acoustics and Musicology master’s program at Aix-Marseille University. This workshop allowed students to explore the challenges of sound and music creation for Virtual Reality. Gad Baruch Hinkis from the PatchXR studio led the workshop, which used the PatchWorld application for Oculus Quest as a tool for prototyping musical and sonic experiences for virtual reality. He was accompanied by Antoine Gonot, a lecturer at Aix-Marseille University, and Jonathan Bell, a composer and also an instructor.


This creative capsule is primarily intended for Master’s students in Acoustics and Musicology at AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITY, specifically those following the “Sound Engineering and Design” (ICS) track with a background in music or sound engineering, as well as the “Musicology and Creation” (MC) track with an emphasis on Arts (Musicology) and an interest in new technologies. 

Like all the creative capsules of Campus Chronicles, this workshop was also open to other students within the Campus Chronicles network (universities, private schools, etc.) subject to availability.


In response to the various constraints imposed by the deadline, technical level, equipment, and the number of participants, we chose to use the “Patch World” application as a prototyping tool for creating VR music and sound. In contact with the development team of the Swiss/Danish studio PatchXR (, Gad Hinkis introduced this tool and provided support for the development of the students’ projects during the workshop.

At the beginning of the workshop, Chronique Campus offered an inspiring morning session with examples of projects, testimonials, and the presence of creative studios in the VR field.

At the end of the workshop, the different prototypes of experiences created were presented during a public showcase (attended by approximately 80 people).

  • Day 1 – Inspirational Morning Introduction to the Digital Creation Industry in the Region and Afternoon Hands-on Experience with Virtual Reality Headsets and Tools like Patch World.
  • Day 2 – In-depth Exploration of Patch World, Project Writing, and Presentation by Students.
  • Day 3 – Participants’ Autonomous Creation Day.
  • Day 4 – Project Finalization, Project Pitch to the Jury, Open Public Experimentation Time.


2/05 to 5/05/2023

Number of participants


Workshop leader(s)

Gad Hinkings, Fabien Perucca

Hosting Partner


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