With my garden as a protagonist, barometer of the present and future, and “demonstrably alive”, this research brings together various disciplines and technological lenses to explore its narrative and ecological densities. As a transdisciplinary endeavour, the intention is to annotate the site and document its stories and multiplicities through different technologies: AI, amplification devices, AR and VR. Organising a series of unfolding discussions, workshops and prototyping sessions, we will consider how technologies might foster radical (going to the root), observation, listening, seeing, attentiveness and attuning to relations and flows.

With events taking place in the garden and V2_, this research embraces emergent, serendipitous and situated knowledge. Crucially, it also engages in methodologies and practices of care. The scholar María Puig de la Bellacasa writes that “care thickens the dominant timescape with a range of relational rearrangements”, which are imbued “with a multiplicity of entangled and involved timelines rather than compressed and subordinated to the linear achievement of future output.” * Instead of a project, The Annotated Garden is a process and meditation on complexity and interdependency. It is a careful study into how a tiny bit of urban green might be reflective of the conditions facing landscapes across the globe.


07/03/23 to 10/03/23

Number of participants


Workshop leader

Renee Turner

Participating consortium members


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