The 7 members of the consortium (Seconde Nature – France – Aix en Provence; LEV – Spain – Gijon and Madrid; Kontejner – Croatia – Zagreb; Ars Electronica – Austria – Linz; Dark Euphoria – France – Marseille; V2 – Netherland – Rotterdam and iMal – Belgium – Brussels) animated the Creative and Activist European XR community composed of the following contributors and beneficiaries, from diverse sectors, at various levels of implication: The cultural and creative sector, Students and academia, Economic sector, Government and policy makers and Civil society.

  • An active Creative and Activist European XR community of stakeholders
  • Which is setting the fundamentals of a common, open and sustainable XR
  • A creative community of professionals who are trained at open, accessible and aware XR.
  • A set of new XR creations, in line with the values fostered by the project, reaching a wide audience.
  • A general recognition of the necessity of a common, open and sustainable XR
  • The capacitation of CCS professionals
  • A better access to sustainable alternative XR scenarios for the general audience

Speakers: Realities in Transition partners representatives + XR artists participating at the Cookery
Moderated by: iMAL
This activity is organised under the framework of Realities in Transition, a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.



Number of participants


Workshop leaders

All RIT partners and workshop contributors

Reached target groups

Artists + professionals, anyone interested in exploring the field of XR